This is an old parable about a tiger and an strawberry:
It seeks to tell the tale of presence, it asks you in the barest sense, if you could really purely just enjoy the moment. And it goes something like this
There was once a man who was being chased by a vicious tiger through the jungle he ran and ran and ran to escape certain fate.
Huge leaves brushed against his face until he came to the edge of the rainforest to the edge of the cliff there was nowhere to hide The tiger approached slowly The man walked backwards rocks put a pattern under his feet into the great ravine and just before the tiger was about to leap the man stumbled.
He fell but grasped a weak little tree jutting out from the rock beneath it was a perfect strawberry just hanging there red delicious gleaming he had never seen such a perfect strawberry as this it glistened just in front of the man’s lips.
The tiger still menaced above back and forth it walked and the rocks still tumbled into the abyss his fate was sealed but that strawberry Shawn almost touching his lips he could smell it just beneath his nose delicious ripe juicy.
And so the question goes to you what would he do?
There is only one answer enjoy the strawberry 🍓
Post by: Fabulous App
Merged from: NJ Walk n’ Talk – Inspirational Blog
I would like to share with you those things that inspire me, make laugh and make me who I’m.