Three Thoughts:
The way you evaluate what you see has a direct influence on your thoughts, emotions, and overall mood. Your perception of your external environment has an undeniable impact on how you feel and react. The greatest determinant of how you experience life is your mind, but this does not mean that your environment has no affect on you. Jiddu Krishnamurti once wrote, “the inner creates the outer and the outer molds the inner.” The environments that you are in will end up conditioning your mind. What you watch, what you read, what you listen to, who you talk to, and really anything that you mentally consume will create subtle shifts in your mind that may not be immediately noticeable but over time they will start appearing as new ways of thinking and being. Some of these changes may be welcomed, but we have to be mindful to not accidentally grow in unwanted directions. You have to ask yourself, “what am I feeding my senses?” This is especially important to remember when you are in the midst of transformation, you are not helping yourself by being in environments that feed old patterns you are working on breaking.Emotional maturity is demonstrated by the way you handle the unavoidable ups and downs of life. What helps is simply knowing that good things come in waves, they are never eternally consistent. There is no way to create a life of perfection. Similarly, unwanted challenges will occasionally appear in our lives. Our only option then is to build the inner awareness to witness our own struggle when things go wrong and to then rise above our negative reactions so that we can respond to the situation in a productive manner. Emotional maturity is the ability to feel your own inner turbulence while staying connected to the present so that your past behaviors do not take control. This implies an expanded awareness that emerges from knowing yourself deeply – traversing your emotional history better equips you to sit with your feelings without giving them control over your actions. When we do not intentionally develop this skill, it becomes too easy to fall into a loop where our emotional reactions push us to reenact past defensive behaviors. Personal growth is not about removing all internal and external difficulties, it is about improving the way you handle them so that they no longer crush you when they appear.
The world is in a state of constant transformation. The two forces that push against each other and mold the ever-changing world are wisdom and ignorance. Wisdom encapsulates the vastness of love, the healing power of compassion, the experience of joy that comes from seeing others happy and well, the clarity of mental balance, and the knowledges that emerge from observing the universal truth of change. Wisdom in all of its varieties has a constructive quality, for example love brings people together to create nourishing unions and self-love within an individual can help one recognize their innate wholeness. Similarly, compassion is an energy and mode of action that can right wrongs and hold communities together in a harmonious manner. Ignorance demonstrates the heavier elements of the human condition, primarily self-centeredness and the absence of love or compassion. Ignorance is a block that keeps people on a shortsighted and ego dominated loop, it is a state of confusion that does not let people see what actions are genuinely good for them. Ignorance places people on a path where winning is considered giving the ego what it wants and relenting to selfish cravings. Ignorance has a destructive quality that is often guided by feelings of insecurity and fear. We all have the seeds of wisdom and ignorance within us. What brings hope is that we are in the midst of a historic healing wave. Countless people are taking their healing into their own hands and through this work, they are bringing themselves closer to wisdom. People are tired of being miserable and are actively finding ways to let go of the old hurt that they carry. As people become lighter and more loving, so will their actions and their design of society. Remember, your healing brings more of what is good into the world.
” Remember the people who lifted you up when you had nothing. The ones who could see something great in you before you could even see it yourself. The ones who gave to you and expected nothing in return. Once you start shining, appreciate their kindness by paying it forward. ”
Post by: Yung Pueblo
Merged from: NJ Walk n’ Talk – Inspirational Blog
I would like to share with you those things that inspire me, make laugh and make me who I’m.