Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! April 26, 2021

There can be no deep disappointment…

I want to ask you about the last time you felt frustrated with yourself . Or down on yourself. You know that, negative self-talk maybe we all know too well.

With your permission, I’d like to shine a really bright light on it of one minute, and see what you think let’s look at those disappointments of yours. Not in the shadows but out here, together, so we can get a real good look at them

Here’s the bright light: Martin Luther King once wrote: “there can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.

You probably already see where I’m going with this…

If you feel down on yourself. I’m wondering if that might mean that you believe in yourself.

Let’s test that shall we? We are not upset that our pets do not speak French. They never could! So why would we feel any frustration about that… We don’t. If you knew you weren’t capable you might not feel disappointed at all.

But maybe, in truth we do know what we are made of we know what we deserve.

Maybe we even know we can do it, all those hopes of ours. Maybe the deep disappointment only exists because there is deep love. And belief. And strength that has been hiding. Maybe that frustration is proof that we know we can do it.

Let’s see if we can galvanize that negative energy and befriend it. Mark its good intention, but don’t let it run away down an endless spiral. Let’s redirect next time. Let that despair feel some relief “that you got this; you are on the case”

Maybe that’s what it wanted all along!


Post by: Fabulous App

Merged from: NJ Walk n’ Talk – Inspirational Blog
I would like to share with you those things that inspire me, make laugh and make me who I’m.