Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! June 28, 2022

Reactions, Anxiety, & Moving Forward Without A Plan

Three thoughts:

  1. Sometimes we want to feel safer before moving forward by developing a clear plan, but this is not always possible. Having a goal or an intuitive hunch is often enough to move in a new direction. Even if a full plan is possible, you have to be ready to let it go as you move through your journey. Conditions change and unforeseen obstacles appear which will require you to be flexible. During the journey a lot of learning can happen, taking in new experiences and data should inspire you to reassess your strategy so you can be more effective. Not knowing how everything will play out can feel daunting but having a goal that drives you can function as a light through the dark unknown. If you take mindful steps that are in alignment with your values, steps where you intentionally treat yourself and others compassionately, then you will undoubtedly end up in a good place. How long it takes matters much less than how much you let yourself learn and evolve as you move through the process.

  2. The way you have reacted to what you have felt in the past gets accumulated in the subconscious; this thick conditioning comes alive whenever we perceive something as similar to what we have encountered before. Whether the reactions are loud or subtle, your past uses them as a pathway to take over your present. Some people think that letting their reactions take control is being authentic, in reality that is just the quickest way to strengthen old patterns that don’t actually serve you well. Authenticity is a product of slowing down and allowing yourself to align with the way that you intentionally want to show up in this moment. Your immediate reaction is usually your old hurt/ego/defenses and the behavior it wants to take often creates messy results, whereas the intentional action you want to take comes after pausing and giving yourself a bit of time to process. It is absolutely possible to live intentionally, with kindness and compassion towards yourself and others, and still create healthy boundaries or defend yourself when it is actually necessary. You can be gentle with the world and still do whatever else is needed for your flourishing and preservation. You don’t need to resort to going back into survival mode when life gets hard, instead you can reclaim your power by taking your time to deal with situations skillfully.

  3. Your anxiety and stress can draw vast narratives in your mind that have no basis in reality. A strong emotion can grab any little piece of information and build a story on top of it that keeps feeding its intensity. The mind is quick to jump into its imagination simply to keep the heavy reaction going. When the mind is in the midst of turbulence, it becomes easy to drop logical and sensible thinking. Fear and its manifestations push us into over-analyzing and place us in unhealthy mental loops, where we end up repeatedly increasing our own mental tension. This is common for all human beings. This pattern is reinforced by our need to survive and evade potential danger but if it goes unchecked it can also weigh down the mind and create behavioral complexes that make life more difficult. Recognizing what it feels like when you are in the midst of turbulence can help you cut the loop. Awareness is the light that helps break unconscious habit patterns. Similarly, training the mind to become comfortable in the present moment will help you have the strength to pull yourself out of imaginary negativity. You must get comfortable with turning your attention inward if you want to start living in a new way. When you become familiar with your own ups and downs, it will be easier to see when you are causing yourself misery.

People pleasing disconnects you from yourself


Post by: Yung Pueblo

Merged from: NJ Walk n’ Talk – Inspirational Blog
I would like to share with you those things that inspire me, make laugh and make me who I’m.