☙ F A Q
Please also read the complete Group Guidelines.
1. Why do I show as un-paid when I already paid the suggested donation?
Answer: Everybody is marked "Unpaid" by meetup (not me), but you can ONLY see it next to your name (nobody can see your paid status and you can't see other's paid status. It's private info) that is how meetup is designed and I can't change it. You and everybody else will be marked "Paid" at the time of the Event! That is the easiest way for me to take an attendance and keep track of who shows up for our Events. Also note, it usually takes me about a week to mark you "Paid for the Year", which unfortunately most of you won't be able to see, unless you have an Android phone [See Question #8].
2. What is the big deal about updating the RSVP?
Answer: It is extremely important for us that you update your RSVP at least 24 Hrs. before an event. This request is not only from a respect point of view, but also from a safety perspective. It is very dangerous for event's organizers to arrive to an event when the expected members don't show up or cancel last minute. As the group keeps expanding I will be forced to start banning those who are in the habit of cancelling within 24 hours of an event. And those who "no show" without a valid excuse [See question #4]. Please don't make a habit of changing your RSVP often, even if it is with more than 24 Hrs. notice, it makes it harder for me to plan events! [See question #5] to save events instead or RSVPing.
3. Why can't you understand people are busy and forget to update their RSVP?
Answer: Would it be ok for us "the event organizers" to forget showing up for an event? Or cancel events at the last minute? I'm not asking of any of you, any more than what we "the event organizers" already offer to you. We expect to be treated with the same respect and consideration we show to your busy lives and schedules. Organizing a group takes a lot of time we are not getting paid for. We also have families, full time jobs and many responsibilities... and if we "the event organizers" can keep you update in the middle of our hectic lives, so can you!
4. How about if a have to cancel because of an emergency?
Answer: I understand in RARE unforeseen circumstances we will be forced to cancel within 24 Hrs., if that is the case, please send the host a message or leave a comment to avoid being marked "no-show". On the other hand, if "the nature of your schedule is unpredictable" then don't RSVP until you are certain you can attend. Moving forward all those who change their RSVP within 24 Hrs. will be marked as "no-show" unless you have a valid excuse. If you have valid excuse every single time, then "the nature of your schedule is unpredictable" [See question #5].
5. Can you make an exception, since my schedule is unpredictable?
Answer: Absolutely Not! If "the nature of your schedule is unpredictable", then instead of RSVPing, save the events by clicking the start within the meetup app or the meetup website. The event will be saved and you will be reminded of it as the day approaches without committing to attend by RSVPing when you are not sure if you can make it.
6. How many times can I cancel within 24 Hrs. before being banned?
Answer: Regardless of your paid status, you will be banned if you cancel within 24 Hrs. more than 3 times. If you have a valid excuse please let us know, but having a valid excuse more than three times a year is not acceptable... at that point just admit to yourself "the nature of your schedule is unpredictable" and save the event (by clicking the start within the meetup app) instead of RSVPing and then potentially cancelling last minute or even worse, not showing up.
7. How many times can I "no show" before being banned?
Answer: Regardless of your paid status, you will be banned if you "no show" more than 2 times without a valid excuse. If you had a valid excuse please let us know, but you won't be excused more than once in a calendar year or if you "no show" to your first event.
8. Is there a way to see my paid status for the year?
Answer: Yes, you can see you are marked paid from a desktop computer or a mobile browser with desktop view. Navigate to our members page an search for your name. If you paid for the year, you will see "Paid2021
" next to your name. Or you can open the link I messaged you (after I marked you paid) with a desktop computer or a mobile browser with desktop view.
The $5 yearly donation is nonrefundable even if you are removed from “NJ Walk n' Talk” for failing to follow the GROUP GUIDELINES.