Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it!

Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! How to live a life without Regrets To live life without regrets doesn’t mean you never make a mistake. It doesn’t mean you never fail. It means that you live life to the fullest and learn from your experiences. No one wants to reach the end of their life and not have achieved everything they wanted. No one wants to have “if […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! Reasons you shouldn’t live with regrets We all know living with regrets is pointless yet we all do it to every single day. I want to share a few of the reasons why I think we should stop doing that. 1. It poisons your outlook on the future While we are all sitting around feeling stupid for doing the things we […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! 40 Ways to Live Life Without Regrets “The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” We all have something stored in our memory banks of the past that we wish we could have done differently, or something we wish we didn’t do. As we get older we learn and grow, but that doesn’t mean we […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! Reactions, Anxiety, & Moving Forward Without A Plan Three thoughts: Sometimes we want to feel safer before moving forward by developing a clear plan, but this is not always possible. Having a goal or an intuitive hunch is often enough to move in a new direction. Even if a full plan is possible, you have to be ready to let it go as […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! Progress, Balanced Love, and Perspective Three Thoughts: Being willing to face your inner storms sometimes gets you so focused on your emotions and your past that you forget to look up and notice that you have actually taken many steps forward, that life is not the same anymore and that your behaviors are more vibrant and aligned with living in […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! Perception, Emotional Maturity and The World Three Thoughts: The way you evaluate what you see has a direct influence on your thoughts, emotions, and overall mood. Your perception of your external environment has an undeniable impact on how you feel and react. The greatest determinant of how you experience life is your mind, but this does not mean that your environment […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! Questions & Answers Questions & Answers 1. I’ve consumed most self-healing books, but my body and heart is still in pain. Why? Healing is about feeling, not about thinking. Reading uses your ability to understand things at the intellectual level, but most healing happens at the level of experience. It is important to realize that the way you […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! Love, Intuition, and Small Steps Three Thoughts: The fastest thing that can squander a beautiful connection is attachment, meaning the craving to have things occur in very particular way. Often, attachment is exacerbated by fears that stem from our unhealed emotional history. Tumultuous and unobserved emotions snowball into insecurities which strengthen the misguided idea that pursuing our attachments is the […]
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Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! How to Walk n’ Talk What’s the first question most people ask when they first meet?… It’s likely… “What do you do?” This has become the new “How’s it going?” or “How about that weather?”. Here’s a list of some better icebreaker questions to consider. I’ve broken them into mild, medium and intense. Let me know what do you think […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! The Truth will set you Free I’m a flawed human, often trying to tackle life’s challenges on my own. Far too often, I forget to bring my struggles and my gratitude to God. Some time ago, I found myself seeking guidance and direction, asking God to show me the way. Amid my prayers, one phrase kept coming to me: “The truth […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! There can be no deep disappointment… I want to ask you about the last time you felt frustrated with yourself . Or down on yourself. You know that, negative self-talk maybe we all know too well. With your permission, I’d like to shine a really bright light on it of one minute, and see what you think let’s look at those […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! Want to Live a Lot Longer? Maybe there isn’t a fountain of youth. But there is a series of simple, scientifically proven habits that can add years to your life, on average. 1. Get more exercise. We know that regular exercise can lead to greater longevity: Between 30 and 40 minutes of jogging a day, five days a week, for example, […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! 3 Quotes That May Change the Way You View Life “Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave When I won a prestigious poetry award in high school, my English teacher rewarded me with a copy of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet. The book spoke to me in a way […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! The Tiger and the Strawberry This is an old parable about a tiger and an strawberry: It seeks to tell the tale of presence, it asks you in the barest sense, if you could really purely just enjoy the moment. And it goes something like this There was once a man who was being chased by a vicious tiger through […]
Inspirational 💪🏻💫 We CAN do it! Personal grown Every single one of us has strengths, talents and skills that we use every day. Some people are more capable at reaching the full capacity of their talents than others, but that’s not because those people are ‘better,’ or even because they’re smarter, or savvier networkers, or anything like that. It’s because some people have […]